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Low Calorie Diet Dangers!

A low calorie diet often is defined as 800 calories or lower. You need to consult your physician before considering such a diet. High risk groups should definitely be treated with care, especially children, pregnant or breast-feeding woman and adolescents.

Take properly diagnosed diet

A point should be noted that, if you start taking a low calorie diet, speculating that the accumulated fatness in your body will reduce itself to significant thinness then you are greatly mistaken. Without proper diagnosis, a low calorie diet will definitely lead you to innumerable problems.

Who should take low calorie diet

Doctor’s usually suggest taking low calorie diet only to patients suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, and people with excessive tri-glycerite content in their body.

It helps in the curing of these diseases. Initially the low calorie diet may lead to nausea, vomiting tendencies, fatigue, weakness and diarrhoea. But don’t shy away from the prescribed diet by thinking of the short termed consequences. The long-term results promise success. Your weight related problems will vanish, and you will conveniently start losing 3 to 5 pounds per week, about 45 pounds in a year.

A low calorie diet, taken under strict medical supervision, is usually prescribed for a short term (3 to 6 months), but may yield results on a long-term basis and can be quite effective.

Why is medical consultation necessary?

Low calorie diet is taken not for experimentation but for final effective success in losing weight. Medical supervision is strictly necessary for it will ensure that only proper candidates who require it should undertake the strict dietary system. Medical advice will also ensures adequate nutrition and continue to monitor progress for signs of sought after results.

A very low calorie diet (VLCD)

A very low calorie diet (VLCD) also includes approximately 800 calories content food, but instead of few weeks, it continues for several weeks and months. This is a very hard undertaking but produces effectual weight loss. VLCD not only includes a very low diet but other techniques like behavioural therapy, physical activity, nutrition counselling and drug treatments. It is done with patients who have the total Body Fat Content (BMI) much above 30.

After effects of VLCD

Other than regular problems associated with low calorie diet, VLCD has an added complication – it may lead to gall bladder stone formation. Rapid weight loss through low calorie diets can raise cholesterol levels in the gall bladder. But if you take the diet under proper care and medical supervision, then these risks will be minimized.

Happy consequences of a low calorie diet

If you are experiencing significant weight problems or health problems as a result of your weight and have already been watching your diet intake, here is a remedy for you! Consult a dietician about putting you on a low calorie diet (for 3 to 6 months) or a VLCD and you may be amazed at the results. You can once more enjoy those delicious dishes that you were compelled to deny for a long time. You can once more feel lighter with proper weight; normal tri-glycerite content and reduced fat levels, enjoying every moment of life.

Discover low calorie diet tips, protein diet tips, diet program reviews and fat burning techniques with Jeff Smith's Rapid Weight Loss resouce site at: http://www.rapid-weight-loss.com